Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung

Observation of horse and rider

Horse friendly conduct, conspicuous issues or non-horse friendly conduct?

The practice and the preparation in competition was brought more and more in public focus over the past years. But where is the border line? When does a judge in the practice area have to intervene or when is the rider´s behavior still acceptable?

A commission of experts was appointed to find answers to these questions. Thies Kaspareit, head of the education and science department of the NF of GER: "Only in an exceptional case it is possible to evaluate the situation of a horse based on only one single criteria. The horse needs to be seen in the whole context. The list of criteria serves as an orientation and not as a check-list to be processed! It is giving us three columns in which we can find nearly all possibilities of the horse´s body language. It is valid for all national competitions in Germany and helps us a lot with the evaluation of various situations."

All riders who are competing on national level in Germany were informed in a campaign in the beginning of 2014 season and they have to commit to the list of criteria in competition as well as in the practice area.


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Stand: 29.04.2020